"She" is my dear, sweet, wonderful, amazing, talented, and beautiful mother, Belle.

She grew up on a Ranch with four sisters and three brothers, and they had to grow and make everything they ate and used. She was one talented lady! She and her sisters loved being together and making all kinds of fun things together.

They had a lot of fun and even got their mom and dad involved! (Their dad always wore bib overalls so the girls thought it would be fun to make themselves matching bib overalls too, and a pair for their mother!)

Well, my mother was a jane-of-all-trades. She could sew, paint, crochet, cook, clean, keep house like nothin' else, cull a chicken, ride a motorcycle, and make everyone within her sphere feel loved and valued.
Many of the things she created are in the homes of others as she gave away most of the things she made. In fact, many of her famous hot-pads are in France and Zambia!
Many of the things she created are in the homes of others as she gave away most of the things she made. In fact, many of her famous hot-pads are in France and Zambia!
I am the youngest in my family, and am six years younger than my next closest sibling, so I got to have lots of time with Mom. She taught me how to sew and paint, and we spent many, many wonderful hours together talking and creating.
She taught me to love being a Mother and to love creating beautiful things.
Oh, how I cherish all that time I spent with my Mother!