My kids and I have discovered something that has really stolen our hearts! It's a humanitarian organization that gives children the opportunity to do service for children. The organization is called
Serving With Smiles. They have monthly meetings and since we started attending in November of last year, my kids and I can't wait until the next month's meeting rolls around. We LOVE it!
Also, I run a little girl's club called
Liberty Girls. We have ten young awesome girls in our club and this has been our first school year doing it. Each semester we read a series of historical books put out by
American Girl, and then at our twice-monthly meetings, we do activities based on the books. I'm sure I will write more about our escapades in Liberty Girls, but for this post I want to focus on a specific activity we did which involved Serving With Smiles.
This semester we read the
Felicity series, which is set in the Colonial America time period, and in the last book Felicity decides to do something nice for a man who had been very mean to her and others throughout the series. He ended up in jail with no one to help or care for him, so she and her friend decided to secretly take him a blanket, some food and medicine. So for our Liberty Girls activity we wanted to do a service and we decided to make a quilt. Not just any quilt, but a very special quilt.

I gave each girl a 9"x 9" square of muslin and some permanent markers, and told them what our project was going to be. I told them about Serving With Smiles and how the things the kids make get taken throughout the world and given to children in places like Kenya, Haiti and Havasupai. I invited them to draw a picture that they felt would make a child somewhere in the world feel very happy and very loved by children here in America. Boy did they rise to the challenge! Beautifully! Their pictures were filled with so much love and caring!

Then, during the next week I pieced the quilt together with fabric that had been donated to Serving With Smiles. (Not necessarily the prettiest fabric, in my opinion, but nice enough!)
Then at the April monthly meeting of Serving With Smiles, several of the girls from my Liberty Girls group all came and then got to tie the quilt! Oh, were they devoted and excited! It was so delightful to see several of them having their first time at tying a quilt. Wonderful!

Happy quilters in the making!!!

And here's the finished product! Although we have no idea where in the world this quilt will go, it's so nice to know it's going somewhere where it's needed! I love my Liberty Girls and I love Serving With Smiles!
And I'm linking this up with: