Tonight was our Liberty Girls Family Fandango!!!
Wow! What a night! It was so fabulous! We had delicious food, terrific company, and amazing performers!!!
Don’t our little Josefina dresses look adorable on them!
Each of our Liberty Girls moms brought a dish that would have been typical of mid 1800’s New Mexico. We had Carne Adovada (meat marinated in red chile sauce, yum!), refried beans, flour and corn tortillas, Quelites (cooked spinach), Calabacitas (yellow and green squash with corn). For dessert we had hot chocolate and bizcochitos (yummy cookies).
And the girls brought their 18” dolls dressed up in their Josefina outfits too! Cute!
Here’s all the girls waiting for the performance to start.
We were then treated by an amazing group of young dancers called “Viva Mexico!” They were SO great! WOW! These kids did such a lovely job doing their dances. So adorable. And their costumes were beautiful!
When these girls came out in these lovely skirts, my first thought was “Hmmm… I think I know what my daughter is going to ask me to sew for her after this!” And you know what? She did! She wants a skirt like the pink one on the right. : )
These dancers were so adorable!
I need a faster camera to catch the action better!
This picture is of all the dancers and all of our Liberty Girls.
I’m on the left with the teacher of this group. And yes, I made myself a Josefina outfit, too!
What a great evening!!!
After it was over, my daughter ran into her room and put on this long circle skirt I had made for last year because it was the closest thing she had to the kind the dancers had. She danced and danced to the music…
Yes, she loves to dance and is in dancing lessons. : )