Hello friends. I just learned of a family that is going through some serious crisis in our community. I know the family, and to protect the c
hildren involved, I'm not going to share too much information about them. Due to some horrible circumstances, the mother and her 6 children had to leave their home with not much more than the clothes on their back. Some wonderful friends and community members are working to help the family obtain new living arrangements, clothes and other household needs.
In trying to find ways I could help, I began thinking of how wonderful it would be to make quilts for each of them. And, since I’m not Marion, at My Quilt Diet, I won’t be able to make 7 quilts in my sleep like she could! ;) (Thanks, Marion, for helping to spread the word!!!) So, I am organizing a collection of new quilts for each of the family members as they are in need of bedding. Wouldn’t it be great to give them each warm loving hugs every time they get under their new quilt?!?!
We are looking for new, pieced and quilted twin size quilts for each of the children, and their mother. There are three girls ages 16, 10 and 4, and three boys ages 14, 12 and 6, so it is desired to have seven quilts in all. If you would like to help out, please leave a comment below so I can get back to you. (Please make sure you are not a "no reply blogger," and if you are, please give your email address in your reply.)
We understand that making a whole quilt may not be possible for everyone, so if you would like to help by making part of a quilt, please let me know. Many hands make light work :)
Thank you all for being the wonderful people you are! Even if you are not able to help out this time, I know there are so many good hearts operating those sewing machines out there!
Have a wonderful day!