And, this was the first quilt I did free-motion quilting on! Yikes! That was kinda scarey doing that for the first time. It doesn't look tooooo bad, but don't look too close! : )
And this was my first time doing a tumbler pattern. So cute! I was pleased that it was pretty simple to do, yet it gives a new and interesting look to regular patchwork.
I don't know that I really care for the yellow on the back, it's just that I happened to have Lots of that yellow and figured I'd better use it!.
I FMQ using the stippling design, but as I got to the end I got brave and did a heart design on this purple square. Wow I was so brave! : )
And, my daughter saw that I had some leftover squares so she asked if I'd make her doll a little blanket. Of course! She moved the squares around on the carpet until she found a design that she liked. She chose the "bows" look. She loves it. : )

I LOVE this quilt and the yellow is FANTASTIC!! I have got to try a tumbler some time soon. The colors are SO pretty :)
You are so awesome Marion! You keep cheering me on! You are my one woman cheering squad! Which is REALLY appreciated since I live in a household of men! Yes, my little girl is also a cheerleader for me, but it's good to have a grown up cheer for me too! So, Thanks!
I love the yellow on the back. And your fabrics are so pretty! One of these days I'm going to have to make a tumbler quilt! You did a great job with the quilting! And I love the little baby blanket you and your daughter put together! How fun that she did the layout! Congrats on such fun finishes! And thank you for linking up!
xo -E
What a sweet quilt. I love how you left the edges "scalloped" to match the edge of the blocks. Your daughter did a great job with her layout, too. I have 2 daughters and the love to play with my extra blocks. I'm always amazed at what they come up with. Little quilt designers in training!
Thanks Kat! Yes it's really fun to watch little girls catch the quilting bug! : )
Elizabeth, thanks a million for your kind comments! You are amazing for taking the time to do that with all you've got going on for your giveaway. Wow. You are very kind!
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